Phone RPCSG Support on 0118 357 0482

Email RPCSG Nurse Support at

Royal Berkshire Hospital - Nursing Support 0118 322 5111

Contact and Support

Making contact is the first step towards understanding more about your condition. Today there are well known and tested treatment options that your consultant will discuss with you plus we offer excellent support towards handling many of the issues and thoughts that may arise at any time.

You may want clarity on treatment options and the steps to expect from others just ahead of you on the path or perhaps many years down the line and back to a very enjoyable life. Many of our members will be undergoing, or have undergone, similar treatment to yours and their experiences could help you understand and manage the way forward. Their experiences can provide valuable support and reassurance. Everyone has their own needs and we do our best to link you with people over the phone and by email or by swapping thoughts and concerns at meetings. Please note that we are a completely independent Support group with good links with professionals at the Royal Berkshire Hospital but not in any way part of the RBH.

New members are particularly welcome - Membership is FREE. Anyone can join by attending any of these meetings, or by contacting one of the people listed below. You will be met by a committee member at a table just inside the entrance. He will make you feel at home and will ask you for your name and an email address for the purpose of sending you a regular copy of the Newsletter produced by the group. (If you do not have email you could possibly use that of a close friend or family member, as email is a quick and efficient way of communicating.)

Visit the Venue pages to see details of when and where we meet each month.

FOR IMMEDIATE SUPPORT: Contact us by sending an email to, or by calling our dedicated support phone number 0118 357 0482. You can also contact one of our support volunteers directly (see below).

A new email address has been created by Beverley Skelton, the groups nurse support. She is aware that the CNS team are being redeployed onto wards and it can be harder to contact them so has set up this address for anyone who has questions. This is NOT to be used for urgent information as she is working on the wards and will hope to check it daily but this may not be possible. It can be used for information requests of a non urgent nature. Please ensure you give your name and a little information so she can give advice.

You can also get help via the Royal Berkshire Hospital website

Steve ParkinsonSteve ParkinsonEmail: 0118 978 5268
Beverley SkeltonBeverley SkeltonEmail:
Steve AllenSteve AllenEmail: 0118 926 6747
Andrew GabrielAndrew GabrielEmail: 0118 357 7435

Another way to make contact is to use the Feedback Form from this website.